Custom Macro Collection v2.4.0 Release Notes

This release updates a few macros, adds one new macro set, and features a few meta and documentation updates.

The Articles Macro Set

This is a new macro set than tries to figure out and append macros to strings. Overall, I feel pretty clever: the macro will correctly determine the articles in pretty complex situations, like “a UFO”, “an X”, “an honor”, and “an 8”.

Pronoun Templates Update

Not yet finished with my English language programming battle, I tackled pluralizing third person pronouns for the pronoun templates system. Again, it’s pretty clever, successfully getting “die” from “dies” and “fly” from “flies.” I was going to bundle this macro as an add-on, but it’s not terribly large so I built it in.

Dialog API Macro Set Update

The <<dialog>> macro has two new child tags: <<onopen>> and <<onclose>> that let you run code when a dialog is opened or closed.

Documentation Updates

I fixed a few errors and organized the list of macros int groups for easier reading.

Download Utility

This update adds a download utility that allows you build customized downloads to simplify the installation process, an idea I’ve been tossing around for a while. Just select the macros / scripts you want and click the download button and the utility will spit out a zip file containing a single JavaScript file and (in some cases) a single CSS file that you can then add to your project. This will become the recommended way to download custom macros going forward.