Should you switch to Tweego?

Tweego is a powerful, feature rich compiler for creating Twine games, but it is also a tool intended for power users. Learning to use Tweego itself can take time that may be better spent on just developing your game. You can use this tool to quickly determine whether Tweego is an appropriate choice for you or not.

Please note that this tool is designed to help people who are new to Twine and/or programming. If you're not in that category, you are better off making your own decisions based on the kind of workflow you expect.

About you.

Pick the option that best describes you and your team for each of the following questions.

About your project.

Pick the option that best describes your project and workflow.

Other features/tools you want or need.

Rate the following features or tools based on how important they are to you.

Press the submit button to see the recommendation.