(set-article: 'an', 'throng')\
(character: 'Lisa', 'assets/lisa.jpg')\
[[Hot Keys|hotkeys]]
[[Clamping Test|clamp]]
[[Speech Box|speech]]
[[Play Time|playtime]]
[[Macro Passages (by rachek64)|macrop]](unless: (passage:)'s name is "Start")[
[[Start over|Start]]](set: $name to '')\
(textbox: '$name', 'Please enter your name...')
(link-repeat: 'Submit')[
(if: $name is '')[
(replace: ?error)[Please enter a name.]
(goto: 'textbox-name')
] []<error|
}You entered $name as your name!
[[Go back|textbox-entry]](set: $count to 0)\
(hotkey: 32)[
(link-repeat: 'Press Space or Click Here to Increase the Counter')[
(set: $count to it + 1)
(replace: ?counter)[$count]
}Four different ways to roll three six-sided dice and add ten:
(set: _roll to (dice: '3d6+10')) _roll
(set: _roll to (dice: '3d6 + 10')) _roll
(set: _roll to (dice: 3, 6, 10)) _roll
(set: _roll to (dice: 3, 6) + 10) _rollArticles! All generate by macros!
(article: 'UFO', true)
(article: 'European')
(article: 'eleven', true)
(article: 'angel')
(article: 'honor', true)
(article: 'idol')
This one is wrong on purpose so we could test the override macro:
(article: 'throng')Speech box tests.
(say: 'Lisa')[Hey there!]
(say: 'Bob', 'assets/bob.jpg')[I'm *sick* of being a **meme**!]Playtime: (playtime: 'format')
Hours: (playtime: 'hours')
Seconds: (playtime: 'seconds')
Self-updating playtime: |time>[(playtime:)] (live: 1s)[(replace: ?time)[(playtime:)]]100 + 100, clamped 0 - 167: (set: _clamp to (clamp: 100 + 100, 0, 167)) _clamp -- passed: (print: _clamp is 167)
100 - 1000, clamped 0 - 1000: (set: _clamp to (clamp: 100 - 1000, 0, 1000)) _clamp -- passed: (print: _clamp is 0)
0 + 10, clamped 11 - 15: (set: _clamp2 to (clamp: _clamp + 10, 11, 15)) _clamp2 -- passed: (print: _clamp2 is 11)(set: $openedDialog to 0)\
(link-repeat: 'Open Dialog')[\
(dialog: 'Title')[\
(set: $openedDialog to it + 1) Hey there!
You opened this dialog $openedDialog times so far!
(link: 'Add the first achievement.')[(ach-add: 'first') Added.]
(link: 'Add the second achievement.')[(ach-add: 'second') Added.]
(link: 'Clear achievements.')[(ach-clear:) Cleared.]
Current achievements:
Print macro: (ach-print: ', ')
Base macro: (achievements:)
Has first: (print: (ach-has: 'first'))
Has second: (print: (ach-has: 'second'))
Number of achievements: (ach-count:)(link-repeat: 'See Notification')[\
(notify: '4s', 'heya')[Hey there!]\
(set: $hi to 'The macro works! ' + _args's 1st)
(if: _args's 2nd)[
(set: $hi to it + ' Yay!')
}(set: $hi to "Hi, " + _args's 1st + '.')(macro: 'widget', 'Hi!', true)
$hi -> The macro works! Hi! Yay!
(macro: 'widget', 'no yay here...', false)
$hi -> The macro works! no yay here...
(whee: 'Bob')
$hi -> Hi, Bob.